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Software de Gestión Ninox

Management Software

We present you the new heart for your organization. With our software, you can have a centralized system, hosted in the cloud and 100% personalized, which is compatible with all operating systems (including iPadOs, IOS and Android) and which complies with the GDPR regulations.

“The General Data Protection Regulation GDPR (Regulation 2016/679) is a regulation by which the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission intend to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU)”

Ninox Dispositivos

Why do you need this software?


Very easy. Every day thousands of people waste a lot of time in "absurd" management processes that generate slowness in their tasks. Solving this type of problem is usually economically unfeasible or of little profitability. 


With this software, we will analyze the processes of your company or organization and program all kinds of automation and functions, which will not only alleviate your work flow, but will also open a new range of possibilities that will generate a more efficient work environment for your staff. fluid and clean, which is directly proportional to fewer errors and higher productivity. 


All of this translates into a solid business image towards the client, with a speed, detail and quality of management at the level of large multinationals.


This all sounds great, but what is the cost of this service? 


The price may vary depending on the needs of each company, but approximately the annual subscription will be around the cost of hiring an administrative for just one month.


Interesting, how would the process be carried out? 


ONME as an authorized distributor of Ninox, which is the provider of the base software and the servers where the data and programming are stored, would be the company responsible for carrying out the entire process.


First of all, we make a first contact to carry out a study of the needs required by your organization. Once the workflow and its details have been outlined, it is transferred to the programmers, to start programming your new software. During programming we request information on procedures to make the automation as adapted as possible.


Likewise, we periodically show the client the advances and functionalities that we implement so that they are to their liking. Once this process is finished, the software is operational and all the contracted users are registered with their respective roles and access limitations in order to start working.


What happens if an incident arises on a day-to-day basis? 


The software automatically performs daily backups and has a history of changes that records all the modifications that are made on the platform, and which user performs them, having accessibility to a previous state, so in terms of losses of data is concerned, no need to worry.


It should be noted that the server where the programming is hosted, simultaneously, makes a backup in an unlocated storage for security.


Regarding technical support, ONME offers an uninterrupted service of minor solutions within 24 hours by means of a report in the software itself, with remote technical assistance and support throughout Spain and Portugal.


How do I contract it? 

Calling the telephone number [+34] 881 220 152 or sending an email to


ONME Gestión Cultural S.L. is a Ninox Authorized Partner.

Ninox Partner
© ONME Gestión Cultural, S.L.
36780 Galicia | España

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